According to data obtained in 2010, approximately 4 thousand people live in the city of La Palma located in the Darien region of Panama. La Palma city is situated at the mouth of Rio Turia, which meets wide Golfo de San Miguel. The city has also characteristic of being the main trade center within the sparsely populated region that surrounds it.
In the city, which has developed its own economy thanks to the production of plantain, banana and rice, animal husbandry is also among the livelihoods of the local people. Because of the fact that there is no highway that connects the west region of Panama and other central areas, the city has isolated location from other regions. In the city of La Palma, which has an area of approximately 526 square kilometers, there are dry weather conditions during the months between January and April, while the rainy climate can be generally seen on the mountain slopes and valley sides.