This is a small settlement on the southereastern African island nation of Madagascar. Antalaha is part of the Sava District on the country's northern coast and been completely developed as a touristic area. The other major economic source of income for the area is vanilla production. Vanilla flowers fill the air with a wonderful scent during the blossom season. It is also a major producer of fishing, rice and cloves as well.
The Project d'Analalava is aimed at the area's rain forests and was launched in 2008. Lead by the Swiss scientist Erich Steiner, the project aims to both study and preserve the unique natural conditions of the primeval rain forest in the area. In addition to having beautiful beaches, this area also has one of the only coastal rain forests located in the world. For most of the year, Antalaha has a rainy and humid equatorial climate. 12.3 km away from the district center lies Antsirabato Airport.